The next 30 Day Coloring Challenge by the Daily Marker

For those of you that use Instagram, have you ever heard of the 30 day coloring challenge?  It's a challenge run by The Daily Marker aka Kathy Rac.  You can find her on Instagram here: @kathyrac.

The goal of the challenge is to color each day for 30 days, even if you just spend a small amount of time, like 15 to 30 minutes.  You don't have to complete any specific project.  Just color.  The purpose is to find time for yourself, to relax and unwind, to feel free.  Coloring has been equated to meditating and meditating has great benefits for the mind, the body, and the soul. 

In the past I kept missing out on the challenge, seeing everyone's posts on instagram.  So this time I got the heads up as a follower of The Daily Marker.  I knew I wanted to color stamped images during the majority of the challenge, but I didn't want to spend time each day stamping and cutting out images to color.  So I decided to do a little prep work.  Please keep in mind, the challenge is meant to be relaxing and there's no need to prep.  I did just to make things easier for me and my crazy life. 

I also wanted to challenge myself to ink up stamp sets that I've purchased but just haven't used yet.  So I grabbed a bunch and started stamping.  Then I had this idea: I had a bunch of CD sleeves so I took 30 and labeled each one starting with Day 1. 

I took all of those images, cut them down, and stuffed each sleeve with one set of stamped images.  I did make multiples but my intention was to only color one each of the images in the set but accidents happens.  Like when one of Copic markers is too juicy and it bleeds onto the paper.  Ugh, I hate when that happens.  Hence, the reason I made multiples. 

So now I'm prepped and ready to go!  The challenge starts June 15th so check back or follow me on Instagram to see how well I do with carving out time each day to color.  Hopefully at the end I'll have a lot of colored images ready to use in making cards.


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